Three years ago, Brasalin and Melvin Mosley got a break – and an opportunity for a new beginning.
Mr. Mosley was accepted into the FWHS Housing Choice Voucher program. The couple and their six children moved from a hotel to a four-bedroom unit at the Cavile Place apartments. When Cavile closed in summer 2020, the family was able to use its rental assistance to lease a Crowley home.
By late summer, FWHS had won a Fort Worth CARES Act grant to open Casa de Esperanza, a 119-unit permanent supportive housing community for the chronically homeless. The development created job opportunities, including an opening for a team member to prepare the efficiency apartments for move-in.
As a FWHS client, Brasalin Mosley qualified for the position as Section 3 worker. That job led her to found her own business in January — Brasalin’s Cleaning Service LLC.
The Section 3 program, created by HUD, ensures that residents who live in areas receiving HUD financial assistance have the opportunity to benefit from jobs created by those federal funds and that Section 3 businesses have the opportunity to bid on jobs generated by HUD dollars.
Through the Section 3 program, Brasalin Mosley connected with resources that helped her form her Limited Liability Corporation, create a logo and establish her website. Next, she began to promote her business across social media.
The program, created by HUD, ensures that residents who live in areas receiving HUD financial assistance have the opportunity to benefit from jobs created by those federal funds.
“Working at Casa de Esperanza changed my life,” Mrs. Mosley said. “I didn’t know that when I started it would have such an effect on me, one that had me crying once the project ended. It was a very humbling experience.”
Mosley said she enjoyed being able to help others move into a permanent home. The Housing Choice Voucher Program has helped her own family get on its feet and stay there, she said.
“This community has provided activities at the local church and library that keep my children active and in a safe place, and for that I am forever grateful,” Mosley says.
To learn more about FWHS Section 3 job opportunities, contact FWH Workforce Coordinator Dennise Babiche at DBabiche@fwhs.org.