Fort Worth Housing Solutions Accepting Pre-applications for Various PBV Wait Lists

By December 18, 2023 News, Press Releases
Fort Worth Housing Solutions (FWHS) Project-Base Voucher Program (PBV) and Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) will accept pre-applications for various PBV wait lists, beginning on Wednesday, December 20, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. FWHS subsidy standards are two per bedroom, regardless of age or gender. Pre-applications will be accepted until notice that the wait lists are closed is announced on the FWHS website at For the following properties, pre-applications for the wait lists must be made online at
Cowen Place (1 & 2 Bedrooms)
5400 E Rosedale Street, Fort Worth, TX 76105
62 & Older only.
Patriot Point (2 & 3 Bedrooms)
2151 SE Loop 820, Fort Worth, TX 76119
Mainstream (All bedroom sizes)
18-61 years & disable only.
Persons who have a disability and require assistance to complete the pre-application online may contact Tasha Davis at or (817) 333-3668, Wilton McCray, or (817) 333-3554, Jody Stigler, or (817) 333-3660, or Erika Mcgee, or (817) 333-3612. Persons who do not have access to a computer may visit their local Public Library to apply online.