Special Programs for Individuals and Families Who are Homeless
Fort Worth Housing Solutions administers several programs to help homeless individuals and their families with housing.
You must be referred through the coordinated entry process administered by the Tarrant County Homeless Coalition (TCHC). All persons seeking assistance must be evaluated and complete both a HUD and VI-SPDAT assessment. Please click here to learn where to go for an assessment. FWHS does not accept any direct referrals for housing assistance.
Applicants must meet the HUD definition of literally homeless. Individuals and families must either:
- Lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence (live in a shelter or in a place not meant for human habitation)
- Be fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence (with no other residence or resources or support networks to obtain other permanent housing)
Housing Assistance Programs
- Directions Home Voucher Program: Rental assistance and supportive services for up to 175 individuals and families who are chronically homeless
- Permanent Supportive Housing: Rental assistance for 454 homeless individuals with disabilities and their families. Targets people with serious mental illness; chronic drug and/or alcohol abuse; HIV/AIDs
- Healthy Community Collaborative: Rental assistance, short term, with supportive services for chronically homeless individuals and families with severe mental illness. Available to 200 individuals and families.
- HUD – VASH (for veterans): The VA determines eligibility and makes referrals. Rental assistance through the Housing Choice Voucher program, case management and clinical services. Services are provided at VA Medical Centers and community-based outreach clinics. Serves 347 individuals and families.
- Single Room Occupancy: Housing for single individuals
- New Life Center provides housing stability for homeless persons seeking to return to the workforce. Serves 18 households.
- Samaritan House provides housing and supportive services to individuals living with homelessness and HIV/AIDs. Serves 52 households.
- New Life Center provides housing stability for homeless persons seeking to return to the workforce. Serves 18 households.