Cavile Place Update
Take a look at a Stop Six Choice Neighborhood brochure and the full Choice Neighborhood Transformation Plan.
This exciting plan reflects the community-driven goals, priorities and feedback provided at public meetings held in Stop Six in June and July of 2019. It is the foundation of a $35 million HUD Choice Neighborhood Implementation Grant application, which was submitted in early November of 2019. HUD’s review process is expected to last about six months.
The highly competitive grant program provides up to $35 million for targeted investments in housing, supportive services and critical community improvements, all aimed at comprehensively transforming dis-invested neighborhoods.
Fort Worth Housing Solutions assembled an experienced team of affordable housing developers, architects, urban planners, and consultants to assist with the planning and grant application process. The team met in June and July with Cavile residents, elected officials and other community stakeholders to gain insights into neighborhood history and cultural identity; community strengths, weaknesses and opportunities; and design and amenity preferences.

Kendrick Richardson weighs in on ideas for a playground at a redeveloped Cavile Place
The team solicited feedback on its initial ideas and shared this presentation July 11. It shared an update with the community Oct. 8. Fort Worth Housing Solutions presented a report to Fort Worth City Council in October.
FWHS is extremely excited to see the transformation of this community to the benefit of existing Cavile Place residents, as well as the broader Stop Six neighborhood.